Budapest Design Week
– Brand Identity Redesign /
At the beginning of the year, I had the opportunity to redesign the brand identity of Budapest Design Week during a tender.
Budapest Design Week is the most important design series of events in Hungary was launched by the Hungarian Design Council to contribute to raising awareness about the economic and social role of design, to increasing the trust in design, and to fostering communication among the players of the field.
"Budapest Design Week seeks to present design as an innovative set of tools and an approach that combines functional, user and social demands in a harmonic way, and represents an indispensable tool in the creation of products and services alike. The primary goal of the festival is to direct the attention of economic decision-makers and domestic enterprises to the opportunities offered by design, and to demonstrate the ways of design, when integrated in business processes and corporate cultures, can generate a new quality and added value that boost competitiveness and give companies edge over other market actors both on the domestic and international scene. " (www.designweek.hu)
My main goal was to create a logo that could become a dominant element of the brand and allow for dynamic use on any surface through its responsiveness.